How To Implement Chatbots With Purpose
Insights from Deutsche Telekom, Concur, Argos and Bought by Many
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Quick-paced, instant messages, 24-hour services - these are just some of the realities of a customer-centric world. As customers now expect more continuous efficiency that has become expect in daily life, businesses are now under pressure to exceed expectations within their brands, products and services.
We spoke with four leading industry experts for their advice on introducing chat bot technology into service offerings. Within these interviews our experts across Deutsche Telekom, Concur, Argos and Bought by Many discuss the importance of doing so with purpose and using the opportunity for human agents to provide a more value-adding customer service experience.
These interviews explore how these businesses are using chatbot technology effectively, key lessons learned from their experiences and next steps going forward.
Check out the full interview piece below for deep dive practical insights to advance your chatbot technology.
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