How Technology Is Transforming The Role of the Customer Contact Agent
Insight from BT's Head of Customer Insights & Futures on the transformation of technology
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In the ever-changing customer contact world, advances in technology are providing businesses with the exciting opportunity to overhaul their customer service models for the benefit of the customer, agent and enterprise as a whole.
Combining both machine learning with natural language processing, chatbot technology in particular is creating an incredibly positive outlook for the future of the role of the customer contact agent.
While the ability for chatbots to take over many of a customer’s interactions with a business may be perceived as a way of eliminating human workers from the service equation, with reskilling and adaptation, it is in fact a chance for agents to offer a more complex level of contact that technology cannot yet replicate.
Explore how chatbot technology is prompting us to reimagine the future of the customer service agent and, with insight from the CCW Market Study and Dr. Nicola Millard, Head of Customer Insights & Futures at BT, reveal how industry leaders are preparing for the next stage of this digital journey.
Download these leading insights from BT's Head of Customer Insights & Futures below.
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