How Quality Assurance Improves Customer Satisfaction
Martin Kõiva, Co-Founder and CEO of Klaus, says, “customer satisfaction is the ultimate insurance plan for your bottom line and QA plays a major role” – find out how in CCW Europe Digital’s thought leader spotlight interview
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Quality assurance (QA) is often associated with engineering teams or production lines, but QA is just as important in a customer service setting to measure customer satisfaction. QA systems can also be used as a means of onboarding, training, and coaching customer service agents by reviewing their interactions with customers.
Martin Kõiva, Co-Founder and CEO of Klaus, explains: “QA gives you situational awareness of the quality of agent-customer conversations. Once you know where you can improve your team’s performance you can take action, whether this is through providing your team with additional training or giving input to the product team.”
In the interview, Kõiva provides an exclusive industry case study of where QA has proven to be successful and various examples of how QA can benefit businesses.
Dive into the discussion with Kõiva and Emily Uwemedimo, Editor of CCW Europe Digital, to find out how to ensure optimum customer experiences are delivered.
Get in touch with the Klaus team if you would like the opportunity to have a one-to-one chat.