Fast-tracking business and customer transformation with automation at speed

Case study insights from THREE's Capability & Automation Manager

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Automation has quickly become a key lever to drive business and customer transformation. At CCW Europe we heard from Cait Mulcahy - Capability & Automation Manager, THREE as she shared this insightful case study on how THREE are suceeding to fast-track business and customer transformation with automation - and do this at speed!

This engaging session will bring you key insights from THREE on how they have approached and scaled their automation from concept to a Centre of Excellence with 10 solutions within a year and how has that made a big difference to their transformation journey.

View this insightful sessions for insights on:

  • A strategic business and customer transformation approach combining strategic planning, PMO, operational excellence & capabilities development
  • Developing RPA and automation capabilities at scale with speed!
  • Driving customer contact automation further with chatbots and messaging