Great Employee Engagement Comes from the Small Things
Hear first-hand from Caitlin Neary, Director, Global Head of Contact Centre at Dorchester Collection, and one of CCW Europe’s Advisory Board members, as she spills all on how to improve contact centre culture
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“Did you get a haircut?” I said to an agent in the kitchen this afternoon.
“Yes, I just had it done this morning. You are very observant, Caitlin, and the first person to mention it.”
What does good contact centre culture look like day in and day out? I would suggest that the best way to lead a team and build a strong culture is to pay attention to the small things. The haircuts, the new shoes, the big smiles, or the sad eyes. I believe that more than ever, in a world where people are longing to find their place – to contribute, to belong, and to be accepted, we as leaders can provide a sense of community and inclusion simply by paying attention to the small things.
I say “simply”, but we all know that this is not the case. On that day in the kitchen, I had come through a gruelling day of meetings and budget preparations. In that moment I needed to decide – would I engage or simply let the opportunity pass? However, in an environment where we are expecting our agents to pick up on the small things in conversation with customers in order to offer exceptional service, I want to ensure that we are consistently doing the same with our team members. Making them feel valued, appreciated, and acknowledged: accepted for who they are in the team and celebrated.
But this becomes even more complex while working remotely. We see only each other’s neck and head (if we are lucky), so how are we supposed to be reading broader social cues and engaging in conversations that leave someone feeling cherished? I would suggest it is the same – pick up on the small things. Is there a new plant in the background? Does someone have different earrings or a shirt that makes their eyes pop?
Of course, we know that it takes a dedicated focus to look out for these things. Your team members will feel if you are not being genuine in the interaction – but when it comes from a place of wanting to build a relationship with a team member and paying sincere attention, this leaves people feeling valued and respected.
My encouragement (and challenge) to you is this. Over the next week, see if you can engage in five of these “simple” conversations with a team member. Then take note of how you feel after that brief interaction and how the other person left feeling. Were they smiling? Did they hold their head a little higher? And how did you feel? I know that after that long day, knowing that a team member had felt seen made me smile and reflect on what a privilege contact centre leadership is.
Share your stories with us and Caitlin on LinkedIn! Caitlin will also be onsite with us in Amsterdam at CCW Europe’s 2022 flagship event where she will be participating in CCW Europe’s exclusive Advisory Board panel – join us.