Lufthansa Group’s Journey in Conversational AI

Nick Allgaier, Product Manager Digital Assistants at Lufthansa Group shares his experience at CCW Europe’s 2022 Flagship Summit on how to use conversational AI to increase operational efficiency and enhance both the customer and employee experience

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The COVID-19 pandemic posed an immediate challenge for the travel sector – customers needed up-to-date flight information and immediate access to travel companies to change or cancel their flights. Lufthansa Group experienced this first-hand and had to act quickly to serve customers and scale operations without hiring additional staff to help handle the overwhelming increase in call volumes.

At CCW Europe’s Flagship Summit in October 2022, Nick Allgaier, Product Manager Digital Assistants at Lufthansa Group shared the solution that gave the company the resilience to handle peaks in customer service interactions without impacting their customer experience.

The solution, a conversational artificial intelligence platform, resulted in Lufthansa achieving over six-million conversations per annum, significantly decreasing average handling times, and maintaining service levels during the pandemic.

Dive into Allgaier’s analysis of the challenges, the solution, and the results below.

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