The Future of Leadership: Adapting to AI and Innovation

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The Future of Leadership: Adapting to AI and Innovation

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What is leadership?

A simple yet burning question at the heart of every organisation today.

It’s a concept that’s transforming quickly – rising out of the foundations of traditional management defined predominantly by principles around offering guidance and defining both team and individual direction. But that’s not enough in this era of disruption and complexity; that’s not enough at a time when customers are finding ever new and innovative ways to engage with their favourite brands through the advances of technology. In short, the once established management playbook has reached its limitations. Brands must be agile and nimble now to meet the demands of their customers. They need to embrace new technology and new strategies. And that calls for a new style of leadership.

Here, CCW Europe’s Industry Analyst Simon Hall sat down with renowned thinker, global keynote speaker, and best-selling author Terence Mauri to discuss the pillars of successful leadership in modern business. Together they explore the concept of unlearning, how to foster an innovative mindset, how to move quickly (yet safely) with AI, and much more.

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