Innovate Successfully: Future-State Journey Mapping by Forrester Research

In-depth report delivered by the experts at Forrester Research

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Amy Tuvey
Amy Tuvey

Companies pursue innovation to succeed but often miss the mark because their efforts aren’t rooted in customer understanding and don’t deliver value. Customer experience (CX) leaders can help, using a variant of a reliable tool they know well: journey mapping.

That variant is called future-state journey mapping, and it helps companies create new offerings, unlock new areas of value, and envision possible futures ranging across multiple horizons — from the near term to the long term. In this report, we explain how to do it.

(The report by Forrester Research replaces a previously published one. It has been significantly rewritten based on new research and includes changes to the framework to explicitly accommodate long-term innovation horizons, the impact of emerging technologies, and roadmap planning. Forrester reviews and updates it periodically for continued relevance and accuracy.)

As the landscape of CX continues to change at a rapid rate, it is critical that businesses understand their customers more than ever and strive to innovate and transform to meet their expectations. The power of journey mapping to reach these consumers is clear, to drive a concrete plan rooted in true value and comprehensive understanding how to achieve this.

Download the full report below as this deep dive report provides practical insights based on thorough research to unlock the new potential of your business through journey mapping.