Customer Support in the midst of a global pandemic
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For this article we welcomed Antonio Barranco Rosales, Global Manager of Customer Support at PagoFX, speaker at CCW Europe, to share his recommendations on making Customer Interaction as successful as possible during this pandemic.
Hard times for all the companies in the world. Many employees out of work due to the pandemic, several sectors beaten strong by the confinement established by the governments around the world. But there are some sectors that are rising during these times; pharmacies, eCommerce, food sector, transport…. and customer service.
In these times when being close to the customer is essential, Customer Service departments have to be prepared for an unusual increase in activity. After the closure of most of the businesses in an unusual way, it generates distrust and bewilderment in all users; Where is my order, when they will be available, they send to any place in the country, they are some of the questions that we find in any customer service center.
To ensure that we give the best attention to our users, we must follow a series of recommendations that will make the interaction as successful as possible.
1. Adopt new ways of working:
Contact centers + remote access Our team has to be safe, and for now, the safest place is his/her own home, so we have to provide them the tools to access to our system remotely.
2. Reducing waiting times:
the number of calls will be increased because the uncertainty has grown. In order to help decrease these times, we can increase the number of virtual agents or bots to promote self-management.
3. Change Call Agents to Video Agents:
To promote a better customer experience, we can show the option of using video agents so that the customer sees the person they are talking to, which gives a personal image of the agent and makes the customer feel closer.
4. Be Proactive:
Sending an email or a simple call indicating that the customer service team is still available will make the customer feel more at ease when using our service or buying any of our products.
In short, in times when social distance is a must, companies must make their clients feel their closeness and their commitment to the best experience. The customer service department must be face to face with the exterior and must live up to the critical situation we are experiencing.
Explore our CCW Europe event panel discussions, recordings and speaker interviews for more expert insights on the ever-changing role of Customer contact and CX professionals throughout the pandemic, alongside how to evolve and innovate at this time.